
Friday, January 4, 2013

First Official Work Day

I'm going to blog as much as possible. Right now I'm doing really well, but the blogs may dwindle as time goes on...
Today was my first day working as a Hospitality Hostess. Unfortunately, I didn't start the day off as I hoped to. Breakfast is from 6:30-7:30. I set my alarm for 7. Well my alarm was with me all night and must have changed because it didn't go off till 7:30. I was supposed to be at work at 8, but didn't know this for lack of communication yesterday. Anyways, eventually I got there and ended up being starving for the entire morning. No food with malaria medicine is not good. After praying through the entire morning, amazingly I survived till lunch.
I shadowed and learned from one of my coworkers, Jenny, all day and she is great fun. She's from England, and I really love her. One of my favorite moments of the day was when we were going down to Deck 3 (which is where the hospital is) to change some bed sheets and out of nowhere I heard singing... As we turned into the hall I looked to the left and saw a group of women (patients) parading down the corridor singing and dancing. Singing and laughing in a language I did not understand. But somehow I did understand. I could make out the word "hallelujah" here and there. :) I love how, when you are a follower of Christ, you don't always have to have the same language to understand each other. I knew exactly what those women were doing. And I worshipped too when I heard them.

I'm getting ready to go off the Ship for dinner! My first real interaction with Africa.


  1. Yay Glenn, hostess extraordinaire. We are so excited for you and can't wait to hear more. Praying for you! I know it's been "one hot day". haha!!

  2. Haha, yes, very hot days. :) Thank you for reading my blog! It is so good to hear from home.
